Bald Care is Personal :)

Bald Care is Personal :)

I am Vivek and I am the person behind Halo Care. 

When I talk about Halo Care and how we are starting with Bald Care, many people ask me why?! Why not go with a more popular category? Why try to create a category? Why try to challenge norms? Why?! Because it is personal.

Halo Care as a company in large parts out of my journey from being an underconfident, insecure balding man to being a bold bald man. I got into researching men's personal care because of my journey. And the bald care range itself comes from the needs and anxieties that I felt, the questions I had in mind, the decisions (right and wrong) that I took in the last 10+ years. I will gladly call myself a self-taught expert in baldness in India!

I want to share my journey just to tell someone who is reading this that you are not alone. And that most of insecurities are marketing nonsense :D

Read on? And feel free to write to me on You'll surely hear back from me :)

Early Days!

I noticed that I was balding when I was in my early 20s. The amount of hair stuck on my comb was increasing day by day. I looked around and saw balding heads on both sides of my family and panic set in.

How do I save my hair I asked the experts (read: internet and everyone around)? And everyone had a point of view. Wear your hair short! Don’t stand under the shower! Use this oil my great-great-grandmother’s recipe! Put mehendi on your head! Use Ind***kha Oil! Onion Mask! Take ONLY cold-water showers! Have your tried rubbing your nails together?

I did everything but hair kept falling. The hairstyles I could afford to keep kept reducing.


Then I moved to Bombay and the experts changed their tune. It is the pollution! Maybe the water is not good! The stress of work is getting to you! Have you tried biotin gummies? Minoxidil is magic. Finasteride? Finasteride! There is this new fancy thing called PRP – read up and try. See a dermat.

I did some of those. Biotin worked for a bit. And it was the early days of the (very expensive) minoxidils which didn’t really work for me. But I kept rubbing my nails together, my hair (and confidence now) kept falling and the combovers really stopped being effective anymore.

Hair Transplant Surgery?

Then it was time for marriage, and I decided to try hair transplant. The experts had no PoV, they knew that rubbing nails was not going to work anymore. For a while this worked. Hair returned and so did confidence but then advancing stages of baldness caught up again.

Shaving My Head

I don’t know when and how I decided to do it. It was hard to rebel against every marketing piece and every societal norm that said that I won’t be as attractive if I don’t fight this battle for hair. Maybe it was the security of everything else being fine in life. Maybe it was age. Maybe it was that I didn’t value society’s opinions much anymore. Maybe it was that I saw more and more bold bald men around me. But I did it and boy it was the best decision that I could take.

No more fussing over shoddy hairstyles or treatments. No more giving up the conversation of my baldness to others. I owned my baldness, and it gave me that sense of control that I didn’t have since my early 20s!

There were still troubles – on what routine to follow, what product to use, how to do it, whom do I talk to before doing it and just getting it done. But if I could go back to my early 20s, I wouldn’t be so worried. I probably wouldn't waste all that money and effort that went into the losing battle that was holding onto my hair for 10+ years. I’d have tried for a bit and then shaved my head and owned it.

That is what I want Halo Care's Boldly Bald range to be. A fresh breath of air enabling, encouraging men to embrace their baldness. To tell them to not fall for the marketing that preys on all your insecurities of not having hair and realizing that bald is cool. To build a community that you can look at when losing your hair. To create products that take away the logistics of shaving your head and maintaining that killer look. A new set of true experts who have lived your journey before!

Definitely come have a chat 😊

Worried about hair fall and want a friendly conversation? Hit us up!

Wondering about how bald India is? Very! Read here.

Curious about stages of baldness? Here you go.


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